11 October, 2006

"Among the lucky, you are the chosen one."

That's what my fortune cookie read yesterday at lunch. This was after the owner told me that my lunch was on him. Seems pretty lucky to me!

Then again, he only said that because I found a moth in my soup. Must have fallen off the wall or something, but still, that doesn't seem very lucky to me.

"You will be advanced professionally without any special effort on your part." -- this is another one that I got a few weeks ago. It's a nice idea... but a pipe dream. I've had to fight hard and work even harder to get to where I am, and I still have a long ways to go in my career. Hell, I'm 24 and I haven't even started a retirement fund yet!

Who the hell writes these fortune cookies anyways? I want to see some that have sayings like they were shouting in Fight Club. "You are not special.", "You are no better than anybody else." -- those would be awesome. Those would actually make me laugh and smile.

But maybe that's just me.


Anonymous said...

sooo uhhh i think lj is on crack -- check out this post:


so you're looking for a new jobby already?

Anonymous said...

you know, you did get this fortune right before i showed up... perhaps it's related?


Unknown said...

I know it is superstition but, I was shot in a drive by shooting 25 yrs ago. I was on full life support for 6 days. Spent a lot of time in the hospital. When I was finally able to eat some real food, I had someone pick me up some Chinese food. The fortune cookie I got was the "Among the lucky you are the chosen one". It definitely made me think and smile.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I got the same fortune cookie but my story hits different

Anonymous said...

I got the same one just yesterday

Anonymous said...

I got the same one as well. I just opened it from yesterday’s food and literally before I opened it I was thinking how beyond dysfunctional my family is and this is the type of dysfunction you see on the jerry springer show or on some sociopathic biography “Only Child of a Sociopath” type thing - anyway - I see how “lucky” my cousins are with the houses, cars and material needs being met but the dysfunction being expressed in their dealings with other people and even their children, and here I am without the house and beautiful car but I am mentally sane and able to raise and keep my vibration high enough to lighten others path. To have a healthy and healed environment for my daughter to thrive in and it shows through her and the smiles of others. I do feel chosen. I was able to stand in the fire for many years and come out untouched. No drugs no alcohol none of the same things I could have turned to. So sometimes we see things for the short term and we don’t see the forest because today, we are too focus on the leaves.