28 June, 2008

Highs and lows

Life definitely has these, all the damn time. Today was going great. Hanging out with my buddy Don and his kids. We had lunch, I went and picked a new SWEET tv, we had just gotten that dropped off and were heading to a movie, when BAM! A lady pulled right out in front of me in an intersection. What is it with people and pulling in front of me? Seriously. It's like I've got a big flashing sign over my head saying "PLEASE PULL IN FRONT OF ME!" So now the front end of my car is all smashed up. The passenger side headlight is hanging down, the entire bumper is hanging down, as is the front grill. It's quite lovely. Luckily, nobody was hurt... and the airbag didn't deploy. Still though, it sucks ass. I can't even really drive at night now, because one of my headlights is popped out. Hell I don't even really want to drive much at all if I don't have to. I'm worried parts might start falling off.


Oh well, at least I can sit here and watch my pretty new TV. I may be moving in a week, but I just couldn't help myself. There's no way something like that is going to stay in the box around me. :)

1 comment:

JSD said...

Hey, how'd your treatment turn out? I was eating basically oatmeal, lentils, and salad for three weeks (never gained a pound, despite being of my hormones for 4 weeks). I was worried (especially after the strawberry scare we talked about a few months ago) so I had my iodine checked before I went for the full I-131 treatment. The range they shoot for is 75 to 300. Mine was a 14, so lower than even the low range. So I was relieved. I had my treatment, but six weeks on and I'm still at 0.5 thyroglobulin, so I'll probably have to have surgery later this year to clear out more lymph nodes. The Dr thinks the I-131 is still working (yeah, right) and wants to take another reading in 3 months. I doubt it will be lower though.

Anyway, just wanted to check in. It seems that if you're careful enough you can get a low iodine rating, even though it feels like a huge unknown, since there's no feedback mechanism. I'd recommend having the iodine check done, though, if you're not sure. All you have to do is collect your urine for 24 hours, then bring it back to the clinic.